Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Can you remember the last glass of water you had today? How many glasses is suggested through the day and when am I drinking too much? Yes, we can drink too much water and suffer serious repercussions. Let's see if we can wade around in the info and make some sense of it.Here are some quick facts...
1. Water is one of the most essential components of the body
2. Water regulates body temperature, protects vital organs, and
helps with digestion.
3. Water composes 75% of muscle tissue and 10% of fatty
4. Water transports nutrients within the body and dispells waste.

The latest recommendations are that women drink 91 oz and men drink 125 oz of water a day!! We're going to float away!! Remember, various drinks, fruits, veggies, and soups contain water. Poland Spring...plastic vs going choose!! When we exercise, we can lose up to a quart of water per session depending on the temperatures and exercise intensity. Always drink before, during, and after your workout!! Your body will stay happy and healthy.

Dehydration is common in the warmer months. If you are only drinking when you are thirsty, it's too late!! Know that the thirst mechanism doesn't kick in until we have entered the dehydration phase and now we have to work ourselves out of the negative!! Homeostatis...big word for the tricky balancing act our bodies require us to juggle. If bloating occurs due to water comsumption, dehydration has set in and the body is holding onto what little it is getting. Keep will get better as the body recognizes that it will keep being watered!! It's just like the eating thing we talk about all the time. Eating small meals every 3-4 hours and sipping on water throughout the day will have our bodies humming like fine tuned machines!! Drink up!!

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